Blog Posts

Real Training, Life Changing

July 30, 2019

Real Training, Life Changing is an understatement for what goes into the program design at Brighton Center's Center for Employment Training. As a trainee you are not only provided with an opportunity, you are given tools that enable you to build a foundation and re-design your life. 


There is safety and security in these walls, we learn to trust and build confidence, enabling us to unlock hidden talents. As a graduate of this program, I’ve shared in many victories. It's amazing to witness the evolution of a person. Celebrating the success of others gives hope to those who are new to this journey. Often we think we need to make drastic changes to our lives, we are always waiting for the perfect time.


In reality, the time is now and the only thing we need to change is the way we view ourselves, the rest will follow. You can go anywhere to learn a trade, but very few places provide a platform that allows you to take your power back from situations that kept you down.


CET has been a home for those who didn’t have one and family for many who felt alone. 

I’ve seen people afraid to attempt their GED, find the motivation to combat their fears and be successful. Working with a Success Coach you learn to be your own change agent. Resources aren’t just provided, you are coached on how to navigate, advocate, and utilize the services available. You don’t have to feel like you're asking for a handout, it's because of your dedication and hard work that these services are available. 


As a former Success Coach, I know the value of building healthy relationships and learning to speak the emotional language of each person you work with. Barriers are removed, but not because we do it for people. Instead, we guide and empower individuals to do it for themselves. 

As a Skill Instructor, I am grateful there are no entry requirements for training. I have worked with some of the most brilliant minds who might not have made it past an entrance exam. Many have gone on to pursue higher education and credit their confidence and success to the foundation they built at Center for Employment Training. I give all the credit to the individuals who found success within these walls. 

As a trainee, I always thought there was something magical about this program. So many people have beaten the odds against them, stabilized their situation, and have successful careers. 
After 11 years of working here, I realize the magic isn't just in the program; It's in the people; the staff and customers alike. Most people just need a chance, they need someone who is patient and willing to do things differently. To have magic you have to believe, and we believe in our customers. 


Jonika graduated from the Medical Assisting program at Center For Employment Training in 2006 and became an employee as a Success Coach a year later. She has since become a Skill Instructor for both the Medical Assisting and Health Administration Technology skill divisions.  

"The many services and kindness I received as a trainee, is what made me want to be a part of the agency. I often would sit back and think how amazing it would be to work here, also knowing what our customers go through having lived it myself. I truly feel sharing my story with them, lets them know that they can be successful in this." 

To enroll or learn more call (859) 491-8303 ext. 2201 or visit 

College Not For You? We Have a Fast-track, Debt-free Solution to a Career!

July 19, 2019

By: Tom Haggard

For many young people in our community, the summer months are a time of relaxing at the pool, fun family vacations and staying up late and making memories with friends. However, for those young people who just graduated from high school this past spring – the summer months can be filled with deadlines, paperwork, and anxiety. 

After spending years working on college prep courses, applications, essays, entrance exams and so much more; between 10 – 40% of accepted students never make it to campus in the fall according to the Strategic Data Project out of Harvard University, becoming victims of what researchers have called the summer melt. Unfortunately, these rates can be even higher for students from low and moderate-income families. The time between high school graduation and walking onto a college campus in the fall can seem like forever with all kinds of potential roadblocks and distractions along the way. 

That’s where Brighton Center’s Center for Employment Training is here to help. 
While we know that a traditional four-year university is not for everyone, we also know that by as early as next year (2020) – 65 percent of all jobs in our economy will require some form of postsecondary education or training. The Center for Employment Training is designed to serve anyone who wants real training with life-changing results.

We offer training programs in some of the most in-demand careers in our community - Medical Assisting, Health Technology Administration as well as Business & Computer Technologies. Consequently, CET does not have entry requirements unlike most colleges, universities, or other training institutions. You are treated as an individual with unique aspirations, needs, and abilities. Training is short-term and intensive—our goal is to get you into a career as quickly as you are qualified. You have a dedicated team wrapped around to provide support – a Skill Instructor to help you learn the basics of the career you want, a Success Coach to help you navigate whatever life throws your way during training and a Career Coach to help you attain your new dream job.

In addition, we partner with the Newport Adult Learning Center to offer GED and adult education services on-site as well as a Financial Wellness Coach to help you improve your credit and build your net worth. Our program is also open-entry, so a young person (or anyone!) can graduate from high school on Friday night and start training for their career on Monday morning – eliminating the summer melt. Last, but not least, the Center for Employment Training is a debt-free education so you won’t be saddled with the thousands of student loan debt as you embark on your first career. 

We’d love to tell you more about how we can help you achieve your goals, so please stop by an Information Session – no appointment necessary. We are here every Tuesday at 10 a.m. and every Thursday at 2 p.m. to give a tour and answer your questions. Our campus is conveniently located at 601 Washington Avenue; Suite 140 in Newport, KY.