I came to Brighton Center when I was going through a lot of changes in my life. My mom, who I was the primary caretaker for, had just passed away. I had to move out of my home when City Heights closed down, and I didn’t know what I was going to do. Through connecting with community resources, I was told about Brighton Center’s Center for Employment Training (CET) and the Medical Assisting program. I already had a lot of familiarity with the medical field from caring for my mom, so I thought it was worth a try. I started the following Tuesday.
Before coming to CET, I was a shy and distant person. Even when I was at school or a job and part of a group, it never felt like we were all in the same place in life. So I never really engaged with other people. Since coming here, I’ve really opened up. Even though we all started the program at different times, we all share a common goal, and we help each other to reach that goal. I’ve even joined the Ambassador program, where I help with recruitment and outreach.
In six months, I went from a shy closed-up person to a leader in this community – I think I always had leadership skills, but I was never somewhere that I could discover them. But here at Brighton Center, they take the time to listen to you and value your input, which really helped build my confidence.
I’m coming close to finishing my time at CET, and even though I really don’t want to leave, I’m excited to start my future. I would love to start working at St. Elizabeth Physicians to help people feel better. I hope to get my own car and maybe someday get a condo. I’ve been working with a Financial Coach here at Brighton Center to help me get on track and stay on track.
I started a part-time job working at Thrifting on Eastern, Brighton Center’s thrift store that helps fund their Emergency Assistance services, helping me save a little money while I finish my program. Even after I leave CET, I will keep that job because it is the loveliest place with the most wonderful people. I get to meet so many great new people, which my previously shy self would have hated, but now that I’ve started making connections, I don’t want to stop.
When I used to think about my future, I couldn’t really picture anything, just a blank white room that never ended. It worried me because I didn’t even know who I was. Now, I’m starting to get the picture of who I am - the colors are coming through and painting that room. It’s not fully colored yet, but I’m really excited to see how it’s looking already. For anyone who needs help finding the best parts of themselves or the best future, Brighton Center is the best place to start.
I am very proud of myself for making it to the end of my journey. On top of that milestone, thanks to CET and the St. Elizabeth Physicians Fellowship program, this has and will open many new doors to new opportunities for me. The St. Elizabeth Physicians Fellowship program will greatly impact my life in so many positive ways. I can not wait to get out there and be the best Medical Assistant I know I can be!
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